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How to Create a Successful Multi-Platform Marketing Campaign

Written by David Tallarico | April 29, 2021 at 2:46 PM

Although a single marketing channel can be key in attracting your target audience and driving sales, a multi-channel marketing strategy helps expand your reach while heightening your other channels. Another added bonus is that people overwhelmingly favor brands that diversify their approach to marketing, as 72% of consumers prefer to connect with businesses via multichannel marketing. Furthermore, multichannel strategies help you stay in people's minds as you build brand awareness and recognition. 

Simply put, to create a successful strategy and leave a lasting impression, you need to use multiple channels to support a single campaign. This campaign could consist of a series of ads, content, and email marketing crafted around the same goal. However, to ensure the most success, it's essential to know how to properly advertise across platforms. Here are some steps to take as you approach your next multichannel marketing strategy. 

Determine Your Marketing Goals 

Like any other marketing campaign, you need to start by setting specific, attainable goals that guide your strategies. Marketers who set clear goals are 376% more likely to experience success, making this step crucial for every campaign. Based on your goal, you can develop a singular multichannel strategy for your campaign and optimize its efficiency. 

Suppose you want to bring more people into your store. In that case, you can use multichannel marketing to launch TV and search engine ads showcasing your location. Alongside those, you can launch blog content further highlighting your and its location., From there, you can supplement your strategy with social media ads and an email drip campaign. While that seems like a lot of moving parts, it increases the likelihood your content will be seen. Someone who sees your ads on social media may not be on your email chain, and those who read your blog might not see your TV ads. It allows you to segment your audience more effectively and reach different facets that aren’t on your standard channels. 

Know How To Measure Success 

Based on your goals, you also need to decide which metrics you'll use to measure your success. Metrics provide you with real-time feedback and enable you to make appropriate adjustments to your campaign as needed. You can use unique URLs or numbers to track engagement or measure an increase in sales.  

Your metrics should always align with your goals to help you track results, and if you’re able to design your campaign with that in mind, you can make it easy to see what works and what doesn’t. If your goal is to increase brand awareness, pay attention to the impressions and ratings from your ads. Meanwhile, a campaign intended to increase sales would place click-through rates, conversions, and sales as top priorities.  

Get To Know The Audience You're Trying To Reach 

When trying to connect with your audience, you need to know who they are, the specific platforms they use, and the TV programs they watch. You can conduct customer surveys to better understand how your customers spend their time online or what they enjoy watching. You can also find out how competitors are connecting with similar audiences and take cues from their strategies. You might find that one audience spends a lot of time browsing Facebook, while another will frequently use Twitter. The former audience may also like specific TV programs, while the latter spends more time streaming. In short, the more you know about your audience and their habits, the more efficient your TV and digital targeting will be. 

Create Brand Cohesiveness 

Make sure your branding and messaging are consistent across all platforms your audiences use. Your TV and digital ads can work cohesively by communicating the same things, which more effectively brands your business. If people have a clear picture of who you are as a company, this will be crucial for successful brand development. Your advertising needs to strengthen your identity as a company so that regardless of your intent, you’re building upon your audience’s knowledge of you and creating a lasting impression. 

Be Ready For An Increase In Customers 

In addition to effective multichannel marketing, you need to have the capacity to handle increased business from your campaigns. If your website or store cannot handle increased traffic, you won't be able to effectively bring leads to a sale. People may be more likely to turn away from you due to poor customer service. To drive sales, make sure you have staff and resources to handle that influx of customers to gear your business for success. 

Work With A Media Partner 

Marketing is an incredibly involved undertaking even when you stick to a single platform, and you may be worried about becoming overwhelmed with multiple channels in the mix. A media partner has expertise balancing these campaigns to help you experience consistent success with your strategies. They can take a lot of pressure off you, letting you focus on running your business. You won't need to worry about an inadequately planned or poorly managed campaign with the right partner behind it. 

Use Multichannel Marketing Strategies To Your Advantage 

Through the use of a strong multi-channel marketing strategy, you can grow your business and achieve your short- and long-term marketing goals. To get the best possible results from your strategy, work with an experienced and knowledgeable media partner. The right partner will help you fully manage your campaigns, taking a lot of the load off you and allowing you to focus on business growth.